Profile: Dravasp Shroff is a portrait photographer. Born in the city of Bombay (Mumbai). A graduate of Manipal University in Dubai with a Bachelor of Arts Visual Communication major, he divides his time between graphic and web design. He’s had his hands on cameras since the age of 13 and been shooting professionally for over 6 years. His works with photography, video art, performance art, installation work and stop motion photography are appreciated by his friends and colleagues around the globe. And when he’s not working or hunting through the city for some great shots (professionally and personally), Dravasp is an adrenaline-seeking junky that savors the risks of the racetrack (all while making sure to never miss a meal). To add to the mix, he maintains his own blog. Based in Mumbai, MH, India he works with his old man to operate We Sky Print LLP (Merchandise Web Store / Android App) and After Party Drivers Tours and Travels LLP (a micro travel company). With a happy soul and a love of travel and music, Dravasp’s here to encourage creative expression through photography and to help people tell their story beyond the limits of words. “Your poverty-stricken but happy neighborhood photographer. Shoot just about it. I work hard to create content with a pinch of soul.” – DRAVASP SHROFF (Visit - http://www.dravaspshroff.com/)

  • All original artwork and written material on this blog is protected by copyright. All rights reserved to Dravasp Shroff 2012. Powered by WordPress.